How Can I Refill a Prescription?
To refill a prescription, start by:
- Clicking Refills from the Prescription top-level navigation menu. This brings up a list of all medications that have refills ordered to them.
- Next, hover over the line item in question and you’ll notice an icon appear to the far right.
- Click this icon and you’ll have the option to contact the patient, prescribe the medication again, or dismiss the refill.
You can also take this action from the patient’s profile page.
Here’s how to do it:
- When viewing the prescription details, if it’s dispensable, you’ll have the option to dispense and print labels.
- If it’s a non-dispensable prescription, you’ll have the option to Fax and Print the prescription.
Refilling and Prescribing Again
Clicking the Prescribe Again button allows you to start a prescription that’s the same as what you’re viewing on screen, duplicating every setting.
The Refill button creates a new prescription with the medications that still have refills due. Once clicked, it will subtract the refill number for the medications until that number is fully depleted.
Editing a Prescription
Editing an existing prescription and writing a new prescription is not the same thing.
Editing the prescription directly affects your inventory and the patient’s history. You can edit a prescription directly from the Prescriptions page by hovering over the line item in question and clicking the pencil icon to the right of the screen.
When editing a prescription, you’ll be prompted to confirm this is the action you want to take, rather than creating a brand-new prescription.
If you do want to create a new prescription instead of editing, you’ll have the option to use the existing prescription as a template for a new one. Simply follow the on-screen prompts.
When you order refills on prescriptions, you’ll be notified of when they need to be completed.