SMS Auto-Responder

Looking for a way to stay in touch with patients while you’re out of the office, but on your own terms? has got you covered.

Whether you’re on vacation, running errands, or out of the office for any other reason, you can easily set up an auto-response SMS message to automatically respond to patients who send you an SMS message during that time.

How to Set Up Your SMS Auto-Response

  • From the dashboard, open up your profile by clicking on the sidebar navigation
  • Next, select Phone Services
  • Check the box next to Enable SMS Auto-Reply
  • Set how long you want the auto-response to run by entering the stop-date in the Unavailable Until field. The message will run until midnight of that date, at which point it will disable automatically.
  • Enter your auto-response message in the appropriate field
  • Once you’re happy with your selection, click Save and you’re done!

One last thing. Patients will receive your auto-response only once a day to avoid overwhelming them with automatic messages.

This means once they’ve received your auto-response once, they won’t receive it again until the next day, even if they text you again that same day.

Want to know more? Check out our help articles on enabling Phone Services and what happens if you don’t have Phone Services enabled.

Still stuck? Shoot us an email and we'll do our best to help.