DrFirst - Prescription Renewal Mismatches

When a patient requests a refill at a pharmacy that offers e-prescription services, the doctor responsible for the patient will receive a notification in Rcopia and Atlas.md and have to decide whether to deny, accept, or modify the request.

To view these renewal requests:

  • Select Prescriptions, then eRx Notifications
  • If the notification is red, it means you have pending requests.

When a renewal request is sent by a pharmacy there are two broad types of patient matching that can occur within Rcopia:

Exact match

In the case of an exact patient match, the renewal request is either already an e-prescription or the patient requesting it has previously had other e-prescriptions.

In both of these cases, the renewal request is automatically matched to the patient’s data and can be processed without issue.


A mismatch occurs when the renewal request doesn’t match any patient currently in Rcopia’s database, which can happen if the refill is being requested from a non-eRx prescription such as a physical prescription written by a doctor.

Acting on Mismatches

If medication is prescribed without syncing the patient’s data between Atlas.md and Rcopia, the medical and prescription history of the renewal action won’t be tied to any patient chart in Atlas.md, and the patient’s medical history won’t be up to date.

This inconsistency can be problematic so it’s important to rectify these mismatches as they happen using the Patient Alias feature in Rcopia.

Using the feature is a two-step process, starting with preparation in Atlas.md. Here’s how to do it:

In Atlas.md

When you have mismatched renewal requests, Atlas.md will list them before you’re able to reach Rcopia’s renewal notifications page. From Atlas.md, you can review the list of mismatches and take action by finding a valid patient chart and synchronizing it to Rcopia.

Here’s how to sync patients to Rcopia:

  • Click on the cog menu in the right-hand corner of their chart
  • Next, select the Sync to Rcopia button
  • Follow the instructions and review the patient’s details, and when you’re finished click the second Sync to Rcopia button at the bottom of the page
  • You’ll then be sent back to the patient chart page in Atlas.md with a success message

If there’s no Sync to Rcopia button available, the patient is already in Rcopia and no action needs to be taken.

In Rcopia

Once you reach the renewal notifications page in Rcopia, all the mismatches should have a New Patient label. Click on the Search button next to New Patient to create a new Patient Alias.

From here, search for the patient that should receive the updates (possibly the one you synced to Rcopia earlier in the process) and click the Make Alias button. If the patient doesn’t exist in Rcopia, however, you will have to go back to Atlas.md to add their data manually.

Once the Patient Alias is created, you’ll be returned to the Rcopia interface where you can renew, deny, or modify the renewal request as you normally would.

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