How Can I Update My Signature Image?

Your signature image can be used on formal external communication such as faxed or printed prescriptions.

To upload your signature image into, head to your profile from your account’s sidebar. Click Edit Profile, scroll down, then select the button that says Click to add your signature image.

Preferred formats for your signature image include PNG or JPEG.

You won’t be able to use a PDF, since we can’t load non-image files into the faxes and printed prescriptions.

To make sure your signature is as big and clear as possible, follow these tips:

​* Crop the signature image so there aren’t any white borders at the top and bottom. This will ensure we can show the largest image possible in the fax file.

  • Upload a file with a higher resolution. Since faxes are essentially printouts, the higher the resolution the better for getting a file that’s sharp and readable.

Tip: You can add your electronic signature anytime by using the macro #sig. If you’re unsure how to use macros or want to review all of your available macros, check out this support article.

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