How To Use the Macro Autocompleter

Setting a Static Macro

Macros allow you to create text shortcuts that get replaced by bigger, more detailed pieces of text. This way you only have to type a small piece of the content, but the full length of the content will autocomplete for you. Once you have a macro, you can easily reference it by using the #keyword you set while creating the macro.

To set a static macro, select “Macros” from your account dropdown. Then click the Plus Sign icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.

Enter your macro shortcut, which is the #keyword you’ll reference later. Then enter the full length of the content and click save.

For example, you could set “npe” as the shortcut, and “normal patient exam” as the full content. Then when you reference #npe elsewhere in the app, the macro autocomplete feature will automatically replace “npe” with “normal patient exam.”’s macro-autocompleter allows you to reference previous entries inside the same patient record.

You can do this by entering a note as usual: from the patient’s chart, click the plus sign icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Then select “note” and begin to type. When you’re ready to reference a previous entry, follow these steps;

  • To reference previous attachments, labs or prescriptions, just type “#attachment” to reference a previous attachment, “#prescription” to reference a previous prescription, and “#lab” to reference a previously requested lab. In addition, just put a hashtag in front of commonly typed phrases within your account, and the autocomplete function will help you finish it by providing a dropdown of options to choose from.
  • To reference an ICD-9 or ICD-10 code, just type #, and the beginning of the code number. The autocomplete function will again provide a dropdown of options from the ICD-9 and ICD-10 database. You’ll notice a 9 or a 10 in the icon so you can easily see which code set should be used. Once you’ve entered the correct phrase, click “Add Note.” Hovering over an ICD-9 or ICD-10 entry in the patient’s activity stream will display its full contents.

Shared Macros

You can create macros just for yourself, or you can create them for everyone on your account to enjoy. Learn how to create and manage your shared macros over here.

More Macros!

You have access to super easy macros that copy content from the patient sidebar as text blocks. These are especially useful for recording annual or periodical visits. The available macros in this sense are:

  • #cch: Chronic Conditions History
  • #alh: Allergic History
  • #cmh: Current Medications History
  • #hh: Health History
  • #hmh: Health Maintenance History
  • #psh: Past Surgeries History
  • #sh: Social History
  • #fh: Family History
  • #gynh: GYN History
  • #obh: OB History
  • #ih: Immunizations History
  • #pmh: Past Medical History (which is a combination of everything above, to give a full overview of the current medical status for the patient)
  • #growth: Growth Chart Information
  • #time = mm:hh
  • #date = mm/dd/yyyy
  • #now = a combination of the two directly above!
  • #demo = name, DOB, cell, email and address
  • #sig = your signature
  • #patientname
  • #patientfirstname
  • #patientlastname
  • #patientprefix
  • #primarydoctor
  • #contact
  • #patientage
  • #patientgender

Last but not least, there’s the #Vitals macro, which integrates with the vitals tracking feature and inserts the latest reading done for vitals for the current patient. There are two versions of this macro – one short, and one longer (more detailed). Select which you prefer from the resulting dropdown.

Viewing Custom Macros

You can view your custom macros by clicking the Information circle, which is located just to the left of the search bar. Select “Macros” from the drop down to view a full list. When you’re inside a patient’s chart and select the Information circle, you can also view your preset macros.

Macros Inside Macros!

Group multiple macros together inside your custom macros for maximum productivity. Need to include your patient vitals and their basic demographics in the same macro, for example? No problem. When creating your new custom macro, simply list the group of existing macros in the “Macro replacement content” text area.

Macros for Lab Results

You can also use the macro tags #result and #trend to provide quick and easy access to lab results data points when writing notes.

#trend will retrieve all of the recent trend data for a particular data point.

#results will retrieve all of the recent data available for a particular lab result.

If you continue typing and refining your macro tag, you can search for more specific data points.

For example, #resulttrig will search for data points that match the “trig” search term, which in this case would pull up all research results for the term “Triglycerides”. The results will also be sorted historically, and you’ll be able to see the dates when they were processed.

Continue to check back for more macro tips!

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