Service Fees

Service fees are one-time fees for those extra services your clinic offers above and beyond the subscription fee you might charge.

Two types of service fees exist:

  • Automated service fees such as internal phlebotomy charges, external phlebotomy charges, or shipping fees.
  • And manual service fees such as extra home visits or any other one-time fee you may need to run your practice. If you’re running a fee-for-service style clinic without a subscription, you can use this feature to manage your billing.

Setting Up Manual Service Fees

To set up a manual service fee on your account:

  • Head to the Patient Pricing Settings page by clicking Account > Patient Pricing Settings
  • Next, select the button that says Manage Service Fees
  • Add a new service fee by clicking the plus icon in the upper right corner
  • Enter the name and price of the service
  • Once you’re happy with your selection, click Add Service Fee

Now that the service fee is set up, you can charge it to patients, which we’ll explore in more detail below.

Setting Automated Service Fees

There’s no need to create automated service fees – they already exist in your account – you simply need to set the amounts that you would like to charge.

To do so:

  • Head to the Patient Pricing Settings page by clicking Account > Patient Pricing Settings
  • Next, select the button that says Manage Service Fees
  • Select the service fee you would like to edit (its type will be automated) then Edit Automated Service Fee
  • Enter the amount then finalize it by clicking Edit Automated Service Fee

Once an automated service fee is set, it will automatically be charged to patients whenever they incur a related charge. For example, if you enroll a patient and your enrollment fee is $50, the patient will be charged that amount on their next invoice.

Charging a Service Fee

Service fees can be charged to a patient from the Billing section of a patient’s chart.

To get there:

  • Head to a patient’s chart then select the Billing icon – it’s the one that looks like a dollar sign – on the left sidebar navigation
  • Click the Add misc charge button in the upper right corner
  • From here you can add either misc charges, or you can choose to add one or more of your pre-configured service fees from the “Charge Type” dropdown
  • If you’d like to apply these service fees to the current invoice, select the appropriate checkbox.
  • Once you’re happy with your selection, click Add Charge

Editing and Deleting Service Fees

To edit or delete service charges, simply hover over the service fee entry, then click the pencil or trash can icon to either edit or delete your entry.

Editing or deleting an entry will not remove or edit any charges previously placed on patient invoices. Your changes will only affect future invoices.

Importing Service Fees

If you have external service fees contained in a CSV file, you can import them into providing they contain both the name of the fee and the fee amount.

If any of the imported service fees already exist, we’ll update the prices automatically.

Here’s how to do it:

  • From the Service Fees page, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner
  • Select Import Billing Service Fees
  • Attach the CSV file you want to upload, then click Upload
  • Match the fields as required, then click Import

The imported service fees will now be displayed on the Service Fees page.

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