How Do I Interact With Patient Invoices? allows you to easily interact with patient and company invoices in a number of different ways.

If a patient or company has an outstanding balance, you can view it by heading to the main Billing page from the top navigation.

The outstanding balance of the patient or company is displayed alongside their name in the upper left of the screen.

Download, Print, Email, and Export as CSV

You can also move invoices outside of the EMR in various ways.

Start by heading to the Billing page, then clicking on a patient or company that you’d like to view the invoice for.

This will bring you to the billing overview for that patient or company.

Scroll down to the “Invoices” section, then select the date of a particular invoice for a more detailed view.

From here, click on the cog icon in the upper right corner for the following options:

  • Download invoice
  • Print invoice
  • Email invoice
  • Export invoice as CSV

For a full breakdown of the features on a patient’s invoice, click here.

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