How Can I Manage Shared Appointment Resources?

Shared appointment resources exist so the members of your office (doctors, nurses and other staff members) can efficiently schedule and utilize resources like diagnostic equipment, examination rooms, microscopes or any other resource shared among everyone in the clinic. It shows the availability of these resources so you don’t have to worry about double booking, or checking with another staff member before booking.

Adding a Resource

The first step to utilizing the shared resource feature is to add a resource to share. To do this, first go to the calendar page. Near the upper right corner, you’ll click on the settings cog. From there, click on “Shared Resources” from the dropdown. At that point you can manually add your clinic’s resources and click save. These resources will now be available to everyone in the clinic.

Since you’ve added shared resources to your account, you can now select them when setting an appointment. Read on to learn how.

Booking a Resource

When you schedule an appointment, you have the option to select a resource from a drop down in that dialog box if you’ve added resources to your account. (Remember, if you don’t see that drop down, it’s because you haven’t yet added resources to your account – see the steps above to remedy this.) This field isn’t required. Simply select the resource you’d like to use for that particular appointment, and it will book it for that time slot if it’s available.

If a resource is already booked during your desired time slot, a pop up box will alert you to this, and show you who the resource is booked by. You will not be allowed to book the resource for that time.

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