Enrollment Fees

Enrollment fees are charges you add to a patient record at the time of patient account creation.

Configuring Enrollment Fees for Your Account

To set up enrollment fees for your clinic:

  • Select Account from the top navigation
  • Next, click Patient Pricing Settings
  • Select the button that says Manage Service Fees
  • Click Enrollment Fee, then Edit Automated Service Fee
  • Enter the amount then finalize it by clicking Edit Automated Service Fee
  • Your enrollment fees are all set!

Using Enrollment Fees

Enrollment fees have a separate billing category and have full company coverage support, so companies can decide exactly how they want to cover their employees.

When you create a new patient in Atlas.md, you fill out several screens worth of patient data. On the first screen of the process, there is a checkbox to charge the enrollment fee. It will be configured with the amount you previously set up in your account settings.

Check that box, and you’re all set on the enrollment fees front. The charges will be added to the patient invoice automatically. You’ll also be able to see enrollment fees broken out in your billing reports section.

If a patient fills out their own account details, the charge will be automatically added to their invoice.

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