Labs: Integrating with Your Preferred Lab Provider

In addition to the larger lab providers such as Quest or LabCorp, you may also integrate with any other smaller or regional lab provider of your choosing. So if you have a lab you’ve worked closely with for years and you meet their minimum volume requirements, you can continue that relationship! partners with ELLKAY to make that happen. ELLKAY acts as a go-between with and the other lab provider, which means the only part of all this you need to be concerned with is telling you want it to happen. and ELLKAY will take it from there! So, just send an email with your lab’s contact information to Then get back to work. Or whatever.

But if you’re curious how the rest of the process goes here’s a backstage overview:

  • Your clinic tells that you want to integrate with a certain lab. You give us the lab’s contact details; that’s when, ELLKAY and the lab provider put a plan together.
  • ELLKAY and the lab provider work through any technical and legal details necessary to make the integration work. It’s common for them to already have a relationship established, which allows things to go more smoothly.
  • When the integration is ready from a technical perspective, ELLKAY and will work together to bring things full circle.
  • The integration launches, and everyone does a happy dance.

So if you choose to work with a lab provider other than the ones you see in your account, just shoot an email to with your lab’s contact information and we’ll get the ball rolling.

Still stuck? Shoot us an email and we'll do our best to help.